Chloris first came across Fitted for Work when it was featured on a television program. She had experienced a number of “life shocks” in her own personal journey, and was struck by the practical benefits of the organisation’s services.
After entering retirement a few years later, Chloris wanted to find an organisation to donate her time to. She recalled the TV show and thought, “Now that I’m ready to give, I want to be part of that [Fitted for Work].”
Life has taught Chloris to keep an open mind. However, two things surprised her in her work in the Boutique. “The sheer volume of clothing donations. It’s fantastic!” She is also constantly touched by, “the depth of feeling when women say things like, ‘I’ve never seen myself look so good. Ever’, or, ‘I would never know how to dress like this.’”
Chloris has learnt that there are many types of disadvantage. “Disadvantage doesn’t have to be financial. It can be a lack of knowledge about how to dress appropriately in the business world. This can make a woman feel cut off and unable to feel enter the world of work.”
Chloris volunteers as a Personal Dressing consultant and mentor.