Leave a Gift in Your Will

Include a gift to Fitted for Work in your Will because empowering women never goes out of style!
Create a lasting impact on the lives of women living in Australia by leaving a gift in your Will to Fitted for Work.
Your gift will help support women experiencing disadvantage to find meaningful work and achieve economic security.
We believe when you are fitted for work you are fitted for life!
Every Will Deserves a Fitting Legacy
Fitted for Work supports and empowers women, non-binary, and gender-diverse jobseekers who face disadvantage or barriers to employment. We provide the tools, skills, mindset development, and support networks to help our clients thrive in the workplace and experience economic empowerment. Learn more about our services and mission here.
Your gift will make a difference!
Leaving just 1% of your Estate to Fitted for Work will have enduring economic benefits for women, their children, families, and their community by improving women’s economic security across their life through their ability to gain paid, sustainable work.
This in turn helps women accumulate financial capability, future retirement savings and reduces the risk of poverty and homelessness as they age.

Steps to Leaving a Gift in Your Will
Step 1: A Conversation With Loved Ones
Choosing to leave a gift in your Will to Fitted for Work is a personal choice but we recommend you speak to your family about your decision and plans to do this so they are aware.
Step 2: Choose Your Gift
Residual: this is the balance of your Estate remaining after your loved ones and expenses are provided for (or a percentage of the remainder).
Specific: this is a specific dollar or percentage amount you would like to leave Fitted for Work in your Will.
Asset: this is a gift of a specific asset and could include real estate or an item of particular value.

Step 3: Create Your Will
When writing your Will we suggest you speak with a legal representative who can assist you.
Here is some suggested wording to include in your will when leaving a gift to Fitted for Work (this can also be provided to your solicitor):
I [your name] bequeath to Fitted for Work ABN 78 126 256 862 [insert percentage or residue] of [my/your client’s estate, the amount of money, or the details or assets you/your client wishes to leave]. My bequest is to be used for the general purposes* of Fitted for Work. I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other proper officer shall be a complete discharge of my bequest.
*Whilst you are free to direct a bequest in a Will towards a particular purpose, we suggest you do not limit your description because we may not be able to fulfill your request if it is too specific.
Step 4: Get In Touch
Contact us to advise you have left a gift to Fitted for Work in your Will. We would love the opportunity to thank you for your support. Please contact Liz Trewhella, National Philanthropy Manager, on 03 9662 4289 (ext. 135) or email [email protected].

Write your will for free with Gathered Here.
In just 10 minutes, you can make important preparations for your family and pledge a meaningful gift to a cause you care about.

Fitted for Work has been an incredible support system for me during one of the most chellenging times of my life. Their team was not only friendly and kind, but they also made me feel comfortable and empowered to make my own choices.
— Elisa, Fitted for Work client