“The [Fitted for Work] course that I did was amazing because it taught me communication skills and tools that helped me grow professionally. AND I got a job very quickly, within two months in fact!” Rosie

I came to Australia in 2007 with my husband. We came with a student visa and I was doing a 3 month English course. I was working as a waitress and my husband applied for residency. We got the residence and were very happy to get it because with a student visa it was hard for us. Then I tried to work as a beauty therapist but I found out I had to do the course again. I had my Columbian qualifications but they were not recognised in Australia.

I realised I needed to study to have more opportunities so I studied one more year and found a part time job, but I wasn’t very happy. I needed more things to do. I realised I needed to work on my resume.

I started to look for someone that could help me with interviews, someone to support me and help me check my resume. My husband found [Fitted for Work] on the internet and I decided to see what they were all about.

I was surprised by the people that were there. They were very welcoming, open and understanding; I felt good when I was there. It was clear to me that they were there to support and provide for me and help me.

I did a course for 10 weeks and the Transition to Work program. They also gave me a mentor, which was amazing for me because she helped me with my resume. She was amazing; we’re still in contact, she’s very nice. My mentor is like an angel.

My mentor gave me a lot of tools. To begin with, we would meet once or twice a week. Now we try to catch up every month. She always texts me; ‘Are you ok, did you need to catch up?’ She’s very nice and influential. She’s a person that I can always go back to. That kind of support is what you need to push yourself, it’s amazing.

And the [Fitted for Work] course that I did was amazing because it taught me communication skills and tools that helped me grow professionally. AND I got a job very quickly, within two months in fact!

I feel very happy. I never thought that this organisation was going to help me with so many things in my life. With my mentor, I was pushing myself and telling myself I could do it. Now I’m doing what I always wanted to do in my life. I feel good, I feel happy and supported as well.

I’m still in touch with the other ladies on the course. We have each other on Facebook and we try to catch up. We send emails to see how everything is going. And they say they are alright and that they tried to find a job and are still with a mentor, so it’s good. So now I’ve also got a support network.

I hundred percent recommend Fitted for Work! I have mentioned the program several times to my girlfriends and how it made an impact, particularly in finding confidence in taking the next step.