Image of a black woman wearing red lipstick, she smiles off camera and the sun hits her face.


Nea is a Kenyan Australian, with qualifications and experience working with technology and data to support the health industry. She had two jobs in late 2020 and then suddenly she was unemployed.

“Because of COVID I lost both jobs all at once. They were enabling me a great income then all of a sudden nothing, and I couldn’t pay my mortgage. I was very desperate. I was looking for anyone who could give me a hand. I’m a single mother and I was worried about losing my house. I was not sleeping at all.” 

Nea was referred to Fitted for Work’s job readiness services from one of our 300+ referral partners. Nea attended Fitted for Work’s Job Preparation Hub, where she fine-tuned her application documents, learned how to do a virtual interview and prepare thoroughly to put her best foot forward in an interview.

With the supportive guidance of her Job Readiness Specialists, Nea was extremely proactive in learning new skills. “They told me how to do a virtual interview, how to set up my room. I even stood in front of a mirror and asked myself the questions and practiced answering.” she says. By the time Nea attended her next interview she felt, “very confident”, and knew exactly what she was going to say.

“When I left, I knew I had done well. I only did 3 interviews and then I got the job.”

Image of woman with black hands using keyboard on mac computer


Today Nea is employed in an ongoing position working with the state government, supporting the efficiency and accuracy of daily COVID case statistics recorded.

“I love it! I feel I’m contributing, helping my state to stay safe and open through quality data.” 

Of her experience with our services Nea says, “Fitted for Work pushed me to another level. So many people need the support, but they don’t know it exists. Over the years I’ve lost good opportunities and I wish I knew about Fitted for Work two or three year ago because my life would be different.”

Now employed, with a steady income and role in which to channel her skills, Nea says, “I have rejuvenated my career in health information management, and I feel rejuvenated!” 

She is very passionate about lifting other women into the field of STEM.

“I want to encourage someone out there who has what it takes to get a job, who has tried and tried. Women have a lot to offer to the workforce and girls have to be told; the sky is the limit. If you want to be an engineer or in the world of technology, go for it” 


~ Name and image have been changed to protect privacy.