A new course developed at Deakin University is set to empower 30 Indonesian women leaders with enhanced leadership roles within their communities.
Recently several members of the Fitted for Work team and the Chair of The Board Mary Crooks were delighted to be invited to address a group of 30 Indonesian women at the Queen Victoria Women’s Centre.
The topic of interest? The services we provide to women in disadvantage to improve their own lives.
The course consists of a ten-day visit to Melbourne and two three-day sessions in Indonesia and includes site visits to leading multicultural and women’s organisations, high-level meetings, expert panels and networking sessions.
The experience was very much a shared one and the discussions ranged from structural, cultural and internal barriers to women’s participation in both countries.
A topic of particular interest was the opportunity to develop Social Enterprise as a way of supporting women to develop their own micro enterprise activities.
Project leader, Dr Barlow, who is an expert in women’s leadership, said that participants will acquire the capacity to be key players in improving economic, social, and cultural development in their own organisations, as well as in the wider community.
They will also be in a position to build global networks for future women leaders.
We hope that it will have a multiplying effect, particularly through the leadership action plans they develop as part of the program, which they will implement in their workplace or community when they return.