The Mentor Program

The Mentor Program is designed to offer valuable support to clients who have secured employment, from carefully matched volunteer mentors. The program is designed for a period of between 6 to 12 months of one-to-one support from professionals and the objective is simple – provide support to women from a positive role model and empower mentees to develop, succeed and grow in the workplace.

Having the opportunity to connect with a role model can be an irreplaceable experience for a woman who is entering the workforce. A mentor is a valuable form of support and guidance, offering participants a chance to help secure employment and gain real life skills.

A Fitted for Work mentor and client stand on a street corner wearing professional clothing. They are facing each other and laughing.

Hear what our clients have to say!

  • Just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you, My mentor was absolutely fantastic – just what I was looking for in a mentor. In the short time we were together today in our first face to face meeting, he gave me some invaluable food for thought when it comes to preparing for job interviews. I am certainly looking forward to our next meeting. I would also like to thank you for the amazing service Fitted for Work has provided me, clothes, walking group, mentoring …. I’m ‘blown away!’

  • My mentor was my sounding board when I wasn’t successful, encouraging me and building my confidence and my resolve to keep going.

  • My mentor helped me see my assets and showed me how my skills and experiences related to my previous employment made me highly employable in other fields. She helped me realise my transferable skills. 

  • My mentor has gone over and beyond her role, or at least I feel she has. My expectations of my mentor have been exceeded 100-fold. She helped me become more resilient in the workplace managing some of the challenges I have encountered. Her support has also helped me to accomplish my financial goals.