Register a Clothing Drive
For many women, the first step to getting work is simply having a suitable outfit to wear to job interviews. Your donations help women, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse jobseekers secure employment.
Fitted for Work provides clients with a complete transformational experience in our Personal Outfitting service. Our aim is to dress women in an entire outfit that is fashionable, suitable for an interview and carefully coordinated to make clients look and feel good about themselves. We rely on your generosity, and specifically clothing drives, to supply us with the bulk of our items to support our clients, not only in their job search, but in regaining their confidence.
If you are interested in running a clothing drive, please register your interest with the form below, and download our Fitted for Work Clothing Drive Pack.
For all the latest details of how, when, and where to deliver your donations, please see our Clothing Donations Page. If you have any questions, please email [email protected].